How to Reverse a Wire Transfer in the Next 30 Seconds

Ayorinde Toby
3 min readJan 14, 2023
Wire Transfer

You’re obviously in a race against time. Did you make a wire transfer to a fraudulent bank account? Or initiated a payment transaction using incorrect bank details? Well, you need a reversal, and you need it fast. How can you go about initiating this reversal with your merchant bank?

Before we go into the details, let’s introduce you to what wire transfers are.

What Is a Wire Transfer?

Wire transfers are one of the fastest ways to send money. They’re easy to use and don’t require bank transfers or credit cards. According to the World Bank, there’s an annual increase of 15.9% in wire transfers and projects $143,096 million worth of transfers by 2023.

Wire transfers are a dependable method of sending money or making electronic payments. They are popular because;

· Recipients get their money in no time.

· Third parties can’t intercept initiated transactions.

· Proof of transaction is provided upon completion.

How to Request a Reversal in the Next 30 Seconds

Money transfers are a one-way process, and as at the time of writing this article, the probability of recovering a successful international or domestic wire transfer is close to zero. But in certain cases, you can get a reversal.

1. If you made an international transfer and the recipient’s bank has yet to acknowledge it, cancel it immediately. You only have a 30-minute window.

2. If you used a third-party merchant bank, also called remittance transfer providers, there’s usually a chargeback period to initiate reversals.

3. Accept that mistakes happen and move fast into action.

Reach out to the recipient bank and lodge your complaint and if they refuse to be proactive with your case, file a personal lawsuit. Only do this if you desperately need the money, and be prepared to spend a huge sum in legal fees. Make sure your claims cover these fees.

Common Reasons for Requesting a Reversal

Several reasons might require you to request a reversal on an initiated wire transfer.


· Incorrect receiver details.

· Fraudulent transaction initiated without your consent.

· Your bank made an error.

· Double payment.

In most cases, if the fault is not from your end, you can get your funds back.

Reversing your wire transfer — Do you have a chance?

As I mentioned earlier, your wire transfers can be reversed.

However, it will be difficult to reverse if the payment order has been processed and the problem originated from your end.

You would have a chance if your merchant bank made an error, such as not verifying if the bank account details match or initiating multiple payments. Contact them and provide the necessary details.

Problems associated with requesting a wire transfer reversal.

When requesting a wire transfer reversal, you may encounter a number of issues. Time constraints being the most significant.

You may be able to get your money back if you send a cancellation notice to the involved bank quickly before the other party receives the money.

Another thing to consider is how much time has passed since the transaction was completed. It is unlikely that a transaction completed days or weeks before a complaint was filed will be reversed.

Closing thought.

In the end, getting a wire reversed is a function of how fast and lucky you are. Infact, surveys show that it’s near impossible. But in a scenario were issues originated from the payment processors end, then you’ve every motivation to pursue.

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